Saturday, January 22, 2011

music is just forever magic to the ears...

"Some men see things as they are and ask "why" Others dream things that never were and ask "why not" ...George Bernard Shaw

"welcome to my world" by newell is not much but it is full of hope, on the bright side as in walking on the sunny side of the street instead of looking at the is not a bed of roses but you can feel the breeze coming in and the sunshine seeping is not a carriage filled with gold and diamonds but decorated abundantly with plants, flowers, fruits and all gracious nature may is not a gift of horror but of smile, laughter and cheers...i have plenty of positive dreams that will keep off the tide from rushing in, flooding my wishes and not making my spirit sink in...for i look at the glass half full not as half empty as others may do with their drinks. we have the choice to give the gift of hope and sunshine to our love ones or usher doom and gloom, yes, our we want our love ones to cry and leave us or do we want them to stay and celebrate life with us until the end, our choice really as it boils down to this at the end for we can't live in the dark. we needed sunshine to thrive and that is a given...we live our lives as we see them in our own world of reality and that is in tune with the rest of humanity i would like to think, who mostly wants love, peace, acceptance and is a small world after all. we bump into each other in many ways and in unimaginable places. the least that we can do is to give each other space and the chance to excel... plus respect, we should give to each other as well, for life is fleeting, life is timed as life will end...yours, mine,'s just a matter of when...i hope it will be a long and a fruitful life as i hope it is filled with smiles, laughter and cheers :> as we can only hope and pray to God our heavenly Father :) the melodies in this blog will play one by one, piece by piece and turn by turn...happy, sad or what not...(^&*) art is by d. hurd...