Thursday, November 18, 2010

it's always been a GM chevrolet

my camaro, my first car ever and now the lumina...GM cars run deep in my veins :) this year GM, general motors posted some profits in the billions after losing the top place car manufacturer to toyota who is having break problems recently. our '97 lumina has 150 thousand miles on it but clark howard, the CNN money guru says, that good cars could go up to 250 thousand miles till they conked out so around 100 thousand miles still is available, knock on wood. so 12 thousand a year goes for 8 more years before buying a new car which is the impala, another chevrolet. who knows but if we get 5 more years i will really be very happy :) i know a toyota could roll over and over with mileage meaning into thousands and thousands and it is still drivable even a 20 year old one but, we'll see :) car talk, yes, car talk of the poor like me (^&*)...bec. for the rich, you can hear, porsche, jaguar, lexus, cadillac, bentley, mercedes benz and etc. although i noticed when he was in asia recently our president barack obama's car is a special made to order GM made limo cadillac so i think impala is the wise choice for me for the lumina is not being produced anymore. U.S. presidents bring their own cars anywhere in the world and there is always another spare like air force one, it has a twin just in case something happens to the other one. yup, traveling U.S. presidents meant lots of dollars spent in millions that a republican congresswoman falsely estimated it to be 200 million USD a day but that is a stretch not true said the Obama people. they don't really publicly announce the cost spent by traveling presidents here but that estimate is really to the roof expert says, laughs. oh well. what can you expect from the opposition right? bloated, big, false estimates to put their foe to shame, as if we do not really know that :)