Saturday, October 9, 2010

bulbs be mine and see you at spring time :)

choices, choices, choices...what you gonna do. now that it's tulips' planting time...the fall season is here. so many pretty bulbs that it is comparable to lots of beautiful girls that you can't even decide which to pick. they are all looking like barbie dolls, laughs...beautiful tulips make my spring shines bright, never a distraction. in fact they are inspirations, for my string of words, that is :) ...50-60 tulip bulbs and every single bulb makes me smile :) my happiness is very shallow, very, very, plants and flowers, waterfalls and beaches plus mountains and forests...most are even free, so did you notice? i am cheap, laughs. annnnd don't forget to click all the tulips' pics, gorgeous! all of them!!!
cat's most favorite salad is catnip :)

catnip is one cat's plant that makes saya very playful. yes, this plant had been picked several times before being pictured :) see those missing stems and leaves, i just remembered today to blog about it that's why :> and the best thing is, whatever left over i can plant it and it will come back spring next year for it is a perennial plant, meaning it will grow back every year like tulips :)