Friday, September 3, 2010

i love elvis :)

as i am trying hard to sing one of his songs, laughs. again, just for fun why not :? even out of tune i do try. i am a sport what could i say, laughs. although this camera could not record the whole tune, sadly. now maybe i can say bye to blogging for awhile for i will remember you, just don't count on it, laughs. my memory is as thin now as the love of a fly, a wasp or a butterfly for it does not last long and it does not count... (^&*)... so let's switch to an owl, or to an eagle. perhaps, or maybe we will have better luck :) love and luck after all are intertwined, sometimes, maybe or maybe not :? but whatever it is, keep on looking and trying to find love :> don't lose hope for that is the worst, right guys?...(^_~), this music thing really cracks me up, laughs, on how bad i am as a singer, take one and two and still i'm a failure. oh well, i think i better stop singing, plus blogging as well, but don't count on it. it's hard to give justice to the king's voice, what could i say :) i better stick to pilita's, laughs, gosh! and yes, what's good with blogging is that you can unleash your other loose twin self, laughs, for i am really a serious human being most of the time. so thanks to blogger where you can be free to express your other you please, which sometimes it's fun but other times it's the opposite...but hey, life is short, get more fun out of it :)