Monday, December 28, 2009

the ultimate serenade...

the most favorite tune in my home province and mine as well. been hearing it since i was a kid. for muses and significant others out there... perfect! ...thanks to the composer/writer/singers of this very lovely and superb melody :> time to put our hands around our lovey dovies and savor the sunrises and the sunsets of our lives, good us :) and yeah if the music is not to your liking, do you think that i care? nope, laughs. you're an adult, so you know what to do...leave er click away...(^_~)...there, and goodbye for no love lost, laughs. how true :) oh that's better. say it as it is, no metaphors for they're just there to deceive and did you know that similes and metaphors are just the tools of the devil, it's the truth, laughs. for if it's true, can they say it as it is, no, because it's false...see? your mom always see the light that never blinds :) and you're lucky for i never wished ill will to my fellow men. i let God do the works of putting things right and besides...i remember the saying of be careful of what you wish might get it in wise :) now if you please, let me savor the magic of this on going music :> for i love it!


“Malinac lay labi, oras lay mareen. Mapalpalnay dagem, katekep toy linaew (It is early dawn, and the gentle breeze blows in the quiet night).”

“Samit lay kugip ko, binangonan kon tampul, lapud say limgas mo, sikan sikay amamayoen (I wake up from sweet sleep, remembering you and your loveliness).”

“Lalo la bilay no sika lay nanengneng” (Especially beloved when I see you once again). Napunas lan amin so ermen ya akbibiten (All my cares and worries disappear from view).”

“No nanonotan ko lay samit day ugalim (When I remember your nurturing ways), agtaka nalingwanan (I shall never forget you) anggad kauyos na bilay (until life ebbs away).”