Wednesday, August 12, 2009
miracles are impossibilities fulfilled, the wonders of God :)
it has been written out that you'll just play with the sand on a third world's sleepy town. it has been inked in that pad long before you opened your young eyes. but you took that pen and rewrote what was in that paper and dreamt of honey, milk and uncle Sam. you rolled and sealed that paper and put it in an empty bottle and threw it in the beach for the ocean to swallow and give it back to you. the bottle when you popped it open, there it was, a message from God. He sent His mother Maria to give you what you want. a ticket to reality and not only to dream land that only a lucky few are given that privilege or that rare chance. you now believe that miracles do happen. miracles as wishes do come true and you have that proof in your life now in your hands. through it you've seen it all. how the world works, how the universe turns, how the poor suffers and how the rich dominates because mainly of your new world. you've met people that were sent by God to fulfill your dreams. you've seen how devastating a life can be when health is gone which btw we take for granted everyday when we have it and only realizes its importance when its gone. the things that we do freely and easily is now a struggle now a pain to is your destiny that you were to become a part of that healing process and nothing could be better than that. because of it you are fully aware of the fleeting moments of life. it do not last forever. here today but gone tomorrow. young today but older we go, all of us, not unless we are called young to depart and leave this earth. life is love as life is happiness. but as we know it joy is just a temporary emotion until it is swallowed by sadness either when we leave this earth or leave our love ones. "for the good times" we need to smile, yes, for the good times :) Mrs. Aquino and Mrs. Shriver knew that as well as my beloved dad and all of us too when our time will come. but at least we've lived, we've loved and we've cared and not tried to hate. at least we did our best as humanly possible to accept the crosses of our lives and carried it with dignity and pride that no one can ever say that you never suffered for we did, yes, we did...they just don't know...for some of us are blind and cruel, some of us are like Satan who thrives on the tears of the damned...they find happiness in the suffering of others, yes, they do but that is the other side of being human, night as the opposite is day. just sad. life goes on and in it are intertwined the rain and the sun, the laughter and the tears that by now we are so familiar with...and yes, that defines life on earth, our lives...i know one more what's new, laughs. promises are meant to be broken as plans sometimes change, so that's that. but i'll get my break if not sooner then it will be later :> you can count on that :)