Friday, March 13, 2009

the purple sun and a butterfly...

Go Fly

gather your strength
prep up your wings
learn how to fly
and capture the sky

then down to earth
smell the flowers
build a nest and
find your true mate

the days will come
nights will be done
would it be nice
to wake up at last
with a beautiful smile
that captures a heart

but life is full of ups and downs
hold your horses, never run
face the music
dance as you can
for who knows if tomorrow
will be waiting for you

life is fickle life is a flash
life is not forever
sometimes like love
life will be gone

so enjoy your days
your flying days
make life as memorable
as you please

so go fly my butterfly
capture the sky
but don't forget to rest
and while you're at it
look up and dance
enjoy the sun
the stars and the planets

while there is still time
while you still can :)