Thursday, December 25, 2008

the true meaning of Christmas

it is not the gifts
that we give
or receive
or Santa riding
on a sleigh

it is not the carols
that we hear
or of Rudolph
prancing away

it is not the
white snow flakes
that daintily flow
and blow
as they caress
your cheeks

it is not the buzz
that shoppers make
as they hastily walk
and comb the aisle
for earthly delights
that's not permanent

it is about
the birth of Christ
the son of God
that was sent to us

who suffered, died
and was crucified
so that we may see
the light

it is about
His coming
His agony
and sacrifice
that saved us

it is about
His unending
and everlasting
love for us
that made
you and me
live, love
and be alive

that is what
Xmas meant
that is what
Xmas is all
about :)

and this is the truth to the max... not a movie or a make believe and not an illusion either, laughs... my take... and i'm pretty sure you have yours as well...ALL THE BEST TO ALL ON THIS YULETIDE SEASON :)...and that is peace, love, happiness and health :> ENJOY...(^_~)...

Christmas day is a day of silence and peace here in the U.S... no cars on the streets, just a very few, maybe those that go to church. the only time that all businesses are closed and the government is asleep, laughs, for the politicians are on hibernation :) there is one day that is similar in the Phil. during the holy's good Friday to be exact. it seems the earth is dead like Jesus then. although in contrast, here in the U.S. on good Fridays, it is very different. it is business as usual, maybe bec. the U.S. is a home to many different religions and the Phil. is mostly a catholic country, the reason i would say. but both days are quiet, silent and very, very holy, one can feel the difference for sure. Christ's death and birth, the most important person on earth. everything is in a stand still when these days are here. you can hear a pin drop. you can hear the wind gusts...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESUS :) i know you'll love my present...