Wednesday, April 9, 2008

the magic in make-believes

come feel the wind
it's floating in the air
come catch the wind
but it's gone like magic
it's done for it finished
its run

fly with those kites
you might catch it
yes you might
hurry, hurry now
for this is your
only chance

our eyes are with you
good luck to you
you will need it
yes you do
for illusions abound
to trick your heart
and your mind

be wise yet be nice
like magic
you'll be mesmerized
then you might just have it
in the palm of your hands

look when you open it up
all that glitter
and all that jazz
might be there
to greet you with the
sincerest of smiles

hope will ring
makes you to dream
not only of illusions
nor of passing moments
but now it's real

like love it will
make you dance
or laugh out loud
of not only with all
of your heart's content
but with all true caring
and of true pure delight...

thanks Mr. Torres for your almost true to life magical painting. I love it!