Thursday, March 20, 2008

the flower of Easter...

is the ever fragrant Easter Lily...HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE! on Sunday...
the triumph over death by Jesus...the happiness after suffering...the rising from the dead. what is it really meant for us? in retrospect, it is the turning of a new leaf, the embrace of the truth and setting our sights to the future...that Jesus cares for us and to lead our lives in the likeness and imitation of his life, of his carry our own cross after Him whatever form this maybe...and to do this humbly and complaints whatsoever. looking at the cross should be enough of an incentive. Jesus suffered on it and so shall is not a bed of roses after is both suffering and sadness but it is rejoicing and happiness on some parts of it as let's take up our own cross after Jesus, again without complaints but with resolve and respect and for our love of God...the ultimate good, the most powerful and invisible force of this universe...