Thursday, May 31, 2007

The Color of my Car

Pure and perfect as a cloudless sky
Lint less and clean as a newly scrubbed rug
Blank and white as meaning to detach
From a long jaded journey where happiness won't last

One way streets are roads to nowhere
One way tickets only say don't remember
I'm not back won't see you later or see you never
Better this way no taste will be bitter

Giving a gift to someone you cared
Is both heaven to you and for her
Just think of good days and nights ahead
In both of your lives nothing will be brighter

Sad and sickening at first
Sleepless restless nights exist
But think of the sacrifice you'll make
A person's life will prosper and be great

Again to give is better than to receive
To sacrifice in life is divine and brave
When some one's happiness is at stake
Bid goodbye, out of the way, it's the road to take...