Friday, June 6, 2008

My Fun Heart-shaped Diamond Ring, an old entry...

In my "old" battered hands, my beloved heart-shaped diamond ring stays :) With broken small bits and small pieces of true diamonds... For I've learned an important fact, the smaller the diamonds are, the cheaper it gets, laughs. And this is the only one that I can afford, this if you believe me, laughs. Diamonds are a girl's best friend they say, but they never mentioned the size, right? laughs. But guys for your sweetie though, buy them the biggest one there is. This is only my fun ring for I'm not really a "sucker" of jewelries. I only have my wedding band, my engagement ring, my crucifix pendant, my college ring and of course my red created heart-shaped ruby ring and this one, that's it...Just want to share with you my simple joys. Hope no one minds...:) Pls. click to enlarge image..."I LOVE HEARTS" for they mean life and love :> taken, 2-25-07