Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Sunday, September 25, 2016

the waning days of summer

youth and vitality gone
drinks of red wine
at candle lit fires

spring with its heavenly hope
summer with its fanciful colors
bidding farewells and adieus

crisp golden colors of autumn
falling leaves so ever gently
to the  ground so cold

slowly eaten by winter's claws
frost bitten and on hibernation
after the waning days of summer

slowly and painfully
the butterflies and the busy bees
that were buzzing and humming

all gone, muted as silence rules...

Saturday, September 24, 2016


In our lives we are all a product of charity in some form or another so to help and to "aid a life" is moving forward the charity that we received...

Monday, September 19, 2016

to the point...

to the point of no regrets
we helped, we persevered
it is not enough

to the point where
all the songs
has been played

all the sunrises
became sunsets
still it is not enough

how can we measure
a life well lived
a life fulfilled to the rim

a life to the point
of worthy of the
Lord's praise

of the Lord's admiration
of the Lord's love and care
of the Lord's wink

we live, we die, we breathe
we danced, we played
the game of life

till we reach the point of no return
where we become just mere ashes
being blown away by the passing wind

being shelved somewhere
in the desert, on top of a mountain
or being dragged by the ocean waves

to the point of utter silence...

Tuesday, September 6, 2016


this nature's video and its meaning makes me happy :>