Wednesday, May 2, 2012

timeless tulip

Easter is change...resurrection, renewal, rebirth or renaissance. they all mean change. my own tulip flower one beautiful spring. sadly it is just an image now. even flowers will have to go as days pass as the dawn colorful tulip, one of many...

tulips are born every spring
as tides come rushing in
hope springs in the process
as the earth twirls and spins

the moon will soon cast a smile
as the sun's light subsides
the stars will dance and twinkle
above our very own eyes at night

Easter is a happy time
for God had risen for us
there is hope in death and darkness
as a new direction comes to light...

and here is about make me smile when the days seemed dark and covered with clouds. it is a nice feeling if you knew that in the process of you earning a living you are promoting life and health. that will make your effort all worthwhile.

"About NURSES: Somebody asked: "You're a nurse?!? That's cool, I wanted to do that when I was a kid. How much do you make?" The nurse replied: "HOW MUCH DO I MAKE?" ... I can make holding your hand seem like the most important thing in the world when you're scared... I can make your child breathe when they stop...I can help your father survive a heart attack...I can make myself get up at 5AM to make sure your mother has the medicine she needs to live...I work all day to save the lives of strangers....I make my family wait for dinner until I know your family member is taken care of...I make myself skip lunch so that I can make sure that everything I did for your wife today is charted...I make myself work weekends and holidays because people don't just get sick Monday thru Friday. Today, I might save your life. How much do I make? All I know is, I make a difference" we all do in little ways that we know how.

thanks all for your visits :)

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

better be love than hate...

heart shaped primroses from the www plus hosta leaves from my garden one nice summer. yes, love is the best spice of them all, laughs, no kidding...just listen to elvis songs na lang if you are an skeptic...(^&*)...

the many faces of love...

as i look back at that mirror i ask what is really the meaning of love. is it God with His almighty power who rules this vast universe that we don't even know much about. is it this majestic earth where we live that spins till eternity of time, after all it housed all the wonders that humans could only catch and play with in their hands. is it the people that inhabits this land who invents all these toys that make life a joy and easy to withstand. or is it life that has its ups and downs, joy and disappointments, tears and lucks.

love must be that feeling of joy and that spirit of hope that everything will be alright. love must be each day given to us as a gift from God for who knows tomorrow won't be around. love maybe are the fireflies that lighten up the evening sky. or love maybe are the flowers that are so colorful whose captivating scents will make our nose smile. or love is the anticipation of magic that someone nice would bring to us. and maybe love is the free time or vacation time which is spent walking aimlessly on a sandy beach that is so hot.

as love is the many faces of strangers that add spice to our daily lives. love is also a kind word from one whom you've never expected to lift your spirit up. love is so important that once it's lost chaos will abound. love is all we need to make our lives twinkle like the stars above. love is just a simple word but its meaning brings magic into our hearts. so ergo, let's all give love not only on valentines day but in every single day that we can while we are still alive.

for as the sun sits and as the sun rises love will be lost if not taken care of, if it is not treasured, nor given importance. love will turn into hate and we can't allow that to happen if we are that smart. for love is a decoration that we want to adorn our daily lives till the end of time...

...without love or in losing love where would you be now...maybe drifting in the sand dunes, like being lost in the desert and you would only know the importance of love once you've lost it, once it's gone...