Sunday, April 25, 2010
the end of the road
i'd like to have these string of words in limbo, but i think to have an end is better suited at this point and i am smiling making this. i am weird, you can really tell, laughs. it seems like it's true that i could read minds :) this if you believe in that six sense...(^_~)...i do. tsk! it is so hard to quit blogging and one can easily figure why. so many sources of inspirations that any mind can ever try to expound...if i am rich and money is no object i will start a publishing company where i can play with books, not read, okay? and give them away for free in order to help every poor and impoverished citizens to educate themselves and start over and improve their lives for knowledge is power. although i hate to admit it, knowledge can be found in written books and the likes. so if you read esp. in a place where reading is the primary source of information you will be empowered and it will open your mind to dream big. i am very lucky that i live in a place where information is not only coming from written books. we have lots of other outlets as in the airwaves where great minds duke and debate each other and it is really a feast for your mind just to listen and learn from the highly educated minds on earth spilling the beans on everything without restraint. take the things you will agree with and leave those that make you vomit, laughs. and besides if i have a publishing company of course i can make a book of my own string of words and force the children to read it, laughs. i can start writing string of words for kids that would really will make me TRULY happy and proud. but got to have that company first so you know that it is a dream in limbo in short. but hey, i can dream. i know i can :)
the end is ruled by the truth
you can't say the color
of the moon is black
while you can see it with
your eyes that it's white
you can't say the color
of the rose is pink
when it's velvet, violet
with spikes so thick
you can't claim the color
of the wind is brown
while there's nothing
of it blowing around
the bag is empty
the bag is not green
the words are empty
the colors are jaded
the bag can never be worn...
now rightly emoted :) bravo! truly a master pianist...
la tendresse and et al by richard clayderman...that's more like it :> a very handsome pianist with a very powerful gift. one that inspires love, (^_~) see that smile at the end of his first piece? hmn, it's like sunshine coming from our muses or the loves of our lives :) charisma is what this man has, really...
Saturday, April 24, 2010
a repost...a lot of that happens here :)
i remembered the first time that i heard this song. i was sharing a board and lodging space with co-workers in a Phil. hospital then and inside a med size room with 4 of us in those double bunk beds, i heard her play it in her cassette player. i was strucked by the depths of this melody. it's like swimming in a never ending heavy sea current. the water is just so dense and very powerful that you are being sucked into it. that's how i felt for this song. but looking at this pianist as he play his music the emotion played out coming from this song is no match to the way he performs it. it do not seem to be live or it's like a fake romance or those lip sync thing that singers do. hmn, the music is heavy alright but the pianist's hands and his body is light, sort of. something is not right, laughs. Richard Clayderman's,(A) comme (a)mour...(L) for (l)ove...but anyway it is magic just the same. i totally loved it, the music piece and the very talented pianist, both are winners :) one of my favorite tunes. sad and lonely. but that is love sometimes, most of the time and it could be always as well...even without 9-11 happening in our, truly wow...
Friday, April 23, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
gone but not forgotten, the twin towers in spirit plus...
Gone But Not Forgotten by Cecilia M. Kocher
The years we've shared have been full of joy
The memories we've made will go on and on
I haven't stopped crying since you went away
and I've asked God time and time why couldn't you stay
You lit up my life, my hopes, and my dreams
You've opened my eyes to see what it all means
So now that you're gone how can I forget
Because you were the greatest out of all I have met.
richard clayderman in piano...A comme amour, (L for love)...
secret aircraft X-37B launched today, the...
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
beautiful landing at 9:08 AM, mission is a success :)
Monday, April 19, 2010
always christmas
is what i want...and i am thinking of leaving blogging for awhile or for discovery when it will touch down. mission is accomplished and the job is done. the reason for me to be in cyberspace is definitely reached and attained, the one that i set up myself. i might pop out every now and then but real life is so busy to do what is needed to be done, a long time ago if i may add. cheers to all who happens to drop by here intentionally or otherwise. live life as it should be...and that is with compassion and true love for all :)
empty love
up in the sycamore tree
one sea horse swimming
all alone around those corals
under the sea
one fish without a partner
nibbling a seaweed's leaves
looking at a deserted sea bed
next to a lifeless empty bottle of beer
one shadow walking in a beach
all alone as it tip toed over those quiet sands
as the waves roll by in harmony
without a tune
without a trumpet
devoid of any majestic glory
sad and lonely
abandoned and
has been set free...
blue eyes crying in the rain sang by king elvis :) i am blue for discovery won't be able to land today though i'll wait, maybe tomorrow i'll be a pink day. i'm crossing my fingers as i do on lovers that are blue...cheer up, cupid says, this is just a temporary snag...(^_~)...
Sunday, April 18, 2010
discovery is heading home
rainy weather is not a good time to land a shuttle and there is a chance of that in Florida, Monday. hope discovery's landing is a go tomorrow. one spectacle that i always try to catch. it just amazes my mind how space technology is conquering our universe and beyond...
on rainy afternoons
the next tune...newell oler in piano, one favorite tune for it makes me reflect about life. it ends after it begins. it's always been this way for ages. as my late dad had came and went...on top is UST's image by philstar. thank you for my alma mater's nice pic with that rainbow and all :) russia's genius painter, vladimir pervunensky's art and my dad's final resting place...
the world is not only about books
the great willie nelson at larry king live 4-16...
i like and love willie nelson, age 77, born april 30th...a little younger than my beloved late dad. his 'blue eyes crying in the rain' 'on the road again', 'to all the girls i love before' with julio iglesias, 'you are always on my mind' and countless among other tunes are a can't compare him to other singers for there is no comparison. he is himself without pretensions, my impression. he lives his life in truth in reality as in you see what you get :) but marijuana smokin' is not really cool, mr. nelson. it opens doors to crack cocaine, crystal meth or method? and these are addictive bad stuffs. age 77 and almost 80 and loves smoking mj joints, laughs, and that long hair...i dunno, another one who wants to mark their personality as different, maybe. as if he is sayin' this is me, take it or leave makes you think, he do not care about what other people thinks of's my life, back off :> but really now, why do we have to have Jesus' hair look alike? my ladies love it, one reason of willie, maybe, laughs. or it saves me money, but he's rich...long hair is a sign of protest also like in your face, why do i have to look like everyone else? for you'll remember me with my hair, laughs. fine, let other people live their lives as they wanted it to be, my take. although, one reason of a very questionable personality, i would would start to think, is he bad or good, is he truthful or a liar, is he this or that, a user or an abuser...and no one knows for sure except the ones close to them, their muses, lovey doveys, family and we are not suppose to care for we are not really related to them, laughs. how true...but just sayin' before leavin' them to live their lives, laughs. okidok? :> good luck mr. nelson and keep that hair, for i really don't care :) you don't know me and i don't know you personally, although i like and love your songs. i am a customer, a listener and a buyer of your tunes but not a fan for i am for sanjay gupta, his hair is short :)
Friday, April 16, 2010
getting closer to 100 :)
here come the books again! a smiley worm looking at its books. it just spin my head into oblivion if i see thick books with a whole a lot of pages in it. it turns me off for it meant lots of times in the couch, bed or what have you. although there is kindle now adays for me it still meant no outside biking, hiking, gardening, walking, driving plus not watching TV where btw i get into the latest news. it would take a million dollars for me as a bribe to set myself into reading books except those that will help my life to do things, laughs. fiction coming from another mind is an intrusion, domination, slavery of my brain. i want my brain to be free and not polluted, spinned or being set to believe or entertained (if you prefer that word) in something that is cooked by another mind. i don't even read poetry books, so my string of words here are just that, string of words, laughs. oh well. i know you can do mind travel with books but i would rather watch the travel channel to see that thing, place with my own eyes even if i'm not there. in reading books it will just be my imagination working and i don't have that frankly, laughs. so there, i'm done with books a long time ago after i graduated college :) although i love to see the titles and guess why is that so, laughs. and yes, i don't have anything against you if you love books. more power, laughs.
per president Obama yesterday, no more fly me to the moon. been there and done that. next is moving on to the red planet there life in it? marspic taken by an unmanned u.s. robotic space craft sent to mars which beamed back to earth this!
an erupting volcano in Iceland, Holy God...too many earthquakes lately around the world. hope not one will happen in the Philippines soon...and now this, amazing and frightening at the same time. nature's fury? it sure makes humans cave in and be in a stand still. like no more air travel for now for it grounded thousands and thousands of flights in Europe some say for several days. i wonder if that volcanic ash will make its way through here or in Asia...12-21-2012 is just around the corner, less than 3 years away. are we really doomed? hope and pray not :) it's scary...
Thursday, April 15, 2010
discovery will be back, 4-19-'10, monday...
shuttle discovery lifted off 4-5-''ll be back on 4-19-'10. let's pray for a successful mission :) i remember 2 shuttles that were lost. the challenger and the columbia. one while going up in space, the other while on its way back home...
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
a very good samaritan
And behold, a certain lawyer stood up and put Him to the test, saying, "Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?" And He said to him, "What is written in the Law? How does it read to you?" And he answered and said, "You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself." And He said to him, "You have answered correctly; Do this and you will live." But wishing to justify himself, he said to Jesus, "And who is my neighbor?" Jesus replied and said, "A certain man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho; and he fell among robbers, and they stripped him and beat him, and went off leaving him half dead. And by chance a certain priest was going down on that road, and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side. And likewise a Levite also, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side.
But a certain Samaritan, who was on a journey, came upon him; and when he saw him, he felt compassion, and came to him, and bandaged up his wounds, pouring oil and wine on them; and he put him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him.
And on the next day he took out two denarii and gave them to the innkeeper and said, 'Take care of him; and whatever more you spend, when I return, I will repay you.'
So which of these three do you think was neighbor to him who fell among the thieves?
Luke 10:25-36
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
popes of our time...
should pope benedict resign? a U.S. priest is precisely calling for that to happen. it will be his holiness call. sex scandals had bothered or hounded the catholic church for ages. men who are supposedly there to preach the gospel of God are the one's breaking it. like fiction novelists maybe writing a story without considering the intelligence of their readers...when you are in a position of authority esp. bestowed by God to you, you should think twice in making your decisions. no favoritisms just because they belong to your flock. priests should be made accountable for their perversity not hidden and helped. it is the wrong help here. they should take psychological therapies for what they've done and stop being a priest. taking advantage of innocent children and abusing them sexually is a very disdainful act. it should be reported to the law and have these bad priest pay for their crimes. bad, satanic people exist in this world and this is just one too sad of an example of it...
Monday, April 12, 2010
glorious moments...the magic of waterfalls...
turning night into day...a very uplifting view :) spiritually glorious, mesmerizing, enchanting, euphoric and captivating plus all that jazz and pizzazz :> the sun brightens our sunken spirits and lights up our poor and gloomy days...Victoria falls in Zimbabwe, adorned by an amazing rainbow and the rising sun... what else could top you who owns these, thank you for sharing :)
the flower of victory, the easter lilies :)
for God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit :) plus for St. Therese, St. Jude and St. Joseph...taken 2 days after Easter at the Shrine of the Little Flower Church...where love and the light are always present :) church visitations always give peace in me :) missing is St. Sebastian's pic. my dad's name sake's saint. he was covered for they made it as a cave where the crucified Jesus resurrected from the dead...inside it was a single flower, the flower of peace, the Peace Lily...truth is peace :)
thanks to you dear artists for your lily art, very pretty :)
Sunday, April 11, 2010
the red robin sang
i looked up at that bare sycamore tree and there you are looking back at me. hello, it's spring kick out your boots and play with me. i have thin branches stuck in my beak ready to build a nest so quick. it will be soft as cotton balls, a home so sweet as cotton candy. but wait i need the wind to move this branch as i sway back and forth wiggling my tail. my breast is red, bright and clear. it'll bring you love, good luck and cheer, smiles of peace and happiness...
the red robin of spring. yes, i saw one today. up in the air perched in a sycamore tree...singing a song of spring, melodiously :)
Saturday, April 10, 2010
proofs that the mind never age
supreme court justice stevens has proven it. at age 90 this man is a shining example that age is just one factor that a man can put aside if he has lofty ideals or very determined goals in life to accomplish. his purpose trumped the notion that older people would be less productive as the tide of time rolls in. i was surprised that some men just only on their late 50's think that they're almost done in life but really quite a bit of people now adays live productive lives even on their 80's and 90's while some younger ones because of drug, tobacco, alcohol and body abuse they dramatically cut their life span. age is important but it shouldn't be the deciding factor in measuring important things like performances in life or anything close to that for that matter. it is really one's drive, one's ambition, one's sense to be productive in life that matters :) so age is but a number. let's make it work for us in a positive way. as we accumulate it if we are blessed and lucky let it enrich our lives instead of acting negatively as age marches on and piles in our doorsteps while there is still time to do that. while we can still see the sun rise, hear the birds sing and smell the scent of the roses and the sampaguitas or walk in a beautiful sandy beach with the loves of our lives :> though on the contrary i'm just saddened that in an instant the pres. of poland with some high ranking members of his cabinet died in a plane crash today and some virginia coal miners perished as well. life is fleeting, life can suddenly end. life is short to some and life is never eternal. so let's just not waste our limited time on earth being obsessed with our age. enjoy it, love it, cherish it and celebrate every minute of, and in every day of our lives :)
elizabeth taylor is in the news. wow! but hey, another proof that the mind never age, laughs. gosh! 9 loves, comment :> except that my benefactor should also marry, she is around her age as well :) she's still very, very beautiful like dame taylor but... only sexier er skinnier without that wheel chair plus rich, although it should not count, love should, laughs. oh well. you'll never know what life will have in store for you even in the twilight of your years. love comes and love goes or vice versa :)
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Friday, April 2, 2010
Good Friday
spring has sprung, the buds are coming out and it's good friday...why is it good when Jesus died on this day? maybe because our sins were redeemed when He died on the cross...and even death can't conquer or powerless to God's expression of love for us...He died because He truly loved us. so that's the good of this day, good friday :) blooms in yellows and blues. and church visitation at the shrine of the little flower church, kissing Jesus' bleeding, nailed holy water was available today, no candles around that were lit up...a sad and solemn day...